For this unique whisky, our master whisky maker took a slightly different approach. Working with our Senior Brand Ambassador, Martin Markvardsen, he decided to combine 10-year-old sherry seasoned American oak casks together with 10-year-old European oak casks, and to just lightly filter the whisky prior to bottling.
This intensified the classic smoky sweetness that is Highland Park’s trademark. The resulting single malt whisky is full-bodied and beautifully balanced with intense vanilla and sherry notes with ripe fruit layers and a touch of salty ocean spray. First released in Sweden in 2013, it was bottled at its marrying strength of 46% ABV.
We’ve been crafting our Award-Winning Whisky at the Highland Park distillery in Kirkwall, Orkney, since 1978. Age, experience, and tradition may define our whisky, but it’s Orkney that sets it apart. Something magic happens here and the result is the wild harmony of flavors found in our whisky.